Justice Mike Chibita Advices KIU Law Students on How to Thrive in Trans-border Legal Practice

Justice Mike Chibita Advices KIU Law Students on How to Thrive in Trans-border Legal Practice

Blog Article

By Eunice Nangobi

KIU, Main Campus – On Wednesday, September 4th, 2024, Kampala International University School of Law organized a public lecture featuring the Judge of the Supreme Court, Justice Mike J Chibita, under the theme “Legal practice, Trans-border legal practice in East Africa: opportunities and challenges for aspiring counsel.”

In his speech to law students summarized in a presentation, Justice Chibita cited the fundamentals for one to succeed as a legal practitioner in Uganda and across borders.

“Keys to a successful international legal practice are the same keys to success as elsewhere. Hard work, work ethic and integrity, discipline, networking and volunteering”, He said.

He added that it is important for young lawyers to know the primary reason why they are pursuing law, be it for fame, justice, money or earning prestige, as this will enable them to interest themselves in the branch of law as related to their cause. He outlined the branches.

“There is the private legal practice where the majority of us will end, you represent people and earn some money. Then academia for those who want to teach the law like the professors and associate professors; criminal law where someone has an issue and asks you to represent them. The judiciary, you know adjudicating cases and we have things from, corporate law for those who want to work with banks and big companies like Airtel and MTN, cross-border legal practice, civil law and so many more.” He remarked.

“The international criminal court is another place where you can practice, you know we have a number of our Ugandan judges and lawyers working at the ICC.” Justice Chibita added.

Justice Chibita appealed to students to strategize themselves and prepare themselves prior the possible opportunities.

“Network, associate with people. You can also apply to organisations as a volunteer and if your skills are good, they will retain you. Another thing is travel, you can’t say you want to do cross-border legal practice when you know only Kansanga and Kabalagala. Do research, and search for scholarships. How many of you here have a copyright in case an opportunity comes in now? Start with getting a copyright such that you are not bothered when an opportunity comes in”, said Justice Chibita.

According to Justice Chibita, in law, the sky is the limit. He advised students to read hard and smart and in case there is an opportunity for one to pursue an LLM then they should do so, and the same for a PhD.

However, there was a huge turnout from the law students who had a lot to grasp from the Justice and asked him thoughtful questions.

Grace Nalubega, a year two student, shared with us some of the benefits she gained from this public lecture.

“I am so grateful to Kampala International University for always organising for us these public lectures that do not leave us the same. I have learnt a lot today and hearing from the people you admire is an extreme feeling,” Top Ranked Universities in Uganda she said.

In his opening remarks, the Dean School of Law Professor Bukola Akinola thanked His Lordship for availing his precious time to speak to the KIU Law Community.

The Deputy Vice-Chancellor in charge of Academic Affairs (DVC-AA), Dr Jacob Ashibi, concluded the ceremony by awarding Justice Chibita a Certificate of Appreciation on behalf of the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Mohammed Ngoma.

"On behalf of the Vice-Chancellor, I would like to extend our sincere gratitude to the Guest of Honour, for taking the time out of his busy schedule to speak to our law students," said Dr. Ashibi.

The Campus Administrator, Ms Christine Ainebyona, also presented an award to the Justice.

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